Asphalt milling is an affordable solution for asphalt pavement restoration and is often used as a cheaper alternative to complete demolition and repaving. The process involves grinding up an asphalt surface (anywhere from a couple of inches to a full-depth removal) to provide a smooth and even surface for repaving.

Though asphalt pavement is one of the oldest urban development technologies still in use, asphalt milling is a process that’s relatively new to the industry, only beginning in the mid-1970s. As the equipment has evolved, paving contractors have become a reliable way to provide pavement restorations for business owners and municipalities affordably and sustainably.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of asphalt milling for commercial and municipal pavements.

Affordable Pavement Restoration

Asphalt milling is most appropriate for pavements with widespread surface damage like cracking, raveling, or uneven slope. Because the sub base is intact, there’s no need to conduct a full demolition and repaving. Instead, the affected layers can be removed with a milling machine and replaced with a new hot-mix.

Milling also helps address many other issues.

Pavement Height and Drainage
Another solution to restore a pavement’s surface is to apply an overlay. Because the overlay is a new layer applied to the existing asphalt, it raises the pavement’s height each time it is performed. Think of it like repainting the walls in your home. Do it enough times, and you’ll need to chip the old paint off first.

When a paved structure has had multiple overlays, you will no longer add height to the surface without creating other issues. Asphalt milling allows you to restore your pavement while maintaining its original height.

Milling is Environmentally Friendly.
When asphalt is milled from the surface, it is collected and transported to a recycling facility to aggregate in new hot-mix asphalt. Because of this process, asphalt has become one of the nation’s most recycled materials.

Milling can Address Specific Problem Areas.
If your parking lot or other asphalt structure has significant damage limited to specific structure areas, asphalt milling allows you to correct that damage without repaving the entire area.

Asphalt milling can be used to remove the asphalt to an appropriate depth and be replaced so that the rest of the pavement is at the same level.

Find Out if Asphalt Milling is Right for You. Call us today.