Finding the right parking spot is not an easy task; however, it becomes easier for you to maneuver with Parking lot striping. Driving in and out of the parking lot is much easier today, thanks to parking lot stripes. Also known as traffic markings, the stripes or lines are painted in either white or yellow on pavements to give you good visibility and limit accidents within your parking lots. Studies show that approximately 20% of accidents occur in parking lots! Parking lot striping, also known as traffic markings, gives you an organized traffic flow and makes easy the parking procedure given the clearly marked stalls and areas that allow drivers to park their vehicles efficiently. Parking lot striping requires professional contractors to carry out the job, and we are here to make your parking lot dream come true. It is a legal requirement in every nation that your parking lot is marked.

The importance of getting your parking lot striped

  • The most significant benefit is its function, to direct or control traffic flow. It doesn’t matter whether you own a commercial building or an individual parking lot, clearly marking this designated area with stripes enhances your safety and that of any user who drives or walks in the parking lot.
  • Safety is another advantage you get from the clearly marked lines. The lines optimize the traffic flow in the parking space hence preventing car accidents which could also mean spending money for repairs and maintenance.
  • Painting your parking lot creates a good first impression on your customers. As a business or commercial building owner, marking your parking lot with clearly painted lines defines professionalism. As people drive into and out of your parking lot, they can either tell how serious you are about your business or not.
  • Even though it is required by the law that your parking lot is clearly marked, this regulation brings along benefits such as safety for pedestrians and drivers. When you clearly mark your parking lot, you avoid unnecessary fines and charges that save you money and protect all parking users from accidents.

Painting your Parking lot striping

Parking lot stripingThere are also important aspects to note while painting your parking lot because you want to make sure that the markings are visible and bright enough for drivers and pedestrians. For instance, the marking color you use matters a lot and pass specific messages. Different regions such as the fire, the loading zone, and handicapped markings require specific colors or paintings. The type of paint you also use matters; for instance, use water-based or solvent-based paints to stick for longer.

The lines indicate parking spaces, but they also show handicapped parking spaces, pedestrians-only areas, walkways and crosswalks, arrows showing you the exit or entry direction, and arrows showing the direction of the traffic flow.

If you are ready to start marking your parking lot, Commonwealth will walk with you every step, ensuring your parking lots serve you best, your business, or your drivers that frequent the parking lot. Contact us today and get a professionally striped parking lot using professional pavement painting machines from Asphalt Paving.