For years Rubber speed bumps have been used as traffic calming devices especially in residential or busy pedestrian areas. Although traditionally, most speed bumps were made from concrete and asphalt; more speed bumps are cropping up all the world made from different materials such as plastic, metal, or rubber. Rubber especially has become a favorite for making speed bumps due to the numerous benefits the material offers. Let us take a look at why you should consider getting a rubber speed bump for your parking lot, driveway, or local Street to slow down traffic.

Rubber Speed Bumps Are Affordable

Rubber speed bumpsThis is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of using rubber speed bumps. A speed bump made from concrete or asphalt will usually cost you about $1000 to $6900 to construct. This will likely create a huge dent in your pocket especially if you want to build more than one bump. However, since speed bumps are usually made from recycled material, they cost about $100-$150 a speed bump. This makes them a budget-friendly option especially if you want to install a couple of speed bumps.

Rubber speed bumps allow you to control traffic without having to break the bank.

The rubber speed bump is quick and Easy Installation Process

speed bumps are easy and quick to install. You can have a speed bump up and running in about an hour since you do not require any specialized equipment, drying, or curing times. All you have to do is choose the area you want the rubber speed bump to be, fix it into place and bolt the speed bump to the road. It is that simple to install.


A key characteristic of rubber speed bumps is that they are easily portable. Since they are easy to install, it also makes them easy to uninstall, meaning they can be moved from place to place depending on the need. This is an especially useful feature in winter seasons as they can easily be removed and relocated when it starts to snow. Heavy snow will cover up speed bumps making them less visible to drivers creating a safety hazard.

Made from Recyclable Material

Having a rubber speed bump allows you to be a bit friendlier to the environment. This is because speed bumps are made primarily made from 100% recycled rubber mainly sourced from old tires. These tires are melted down and reformed into speed bumps making them an eco-friendly option.

Improved Visibility

The legendary contrasting black and yellow colors that have become synonymous with speed bumps are hard to miss for most drivers. Furthermore, since the striping usually used on speed bumps is usually reflective, this also makes them more visible at night allowing drivers to easily spot them even at night or in low light conditions.

As established choosing to select a rubber speed bump for your driveways or parking lots does provide you with a myriad of benefits. However, you should note that speed bumps may not last as long as concrete or asphalt. Though, the numerous benefits they provide outweigh its disadvantage. If you need to get rubber speed bumps in your road, contact us at Commonwealth, and we will get one up and running for you in no time.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed