Asphalt is a versatile material that is commonly used for paving driveways, roadways, and other surfaces. However, it can deteriorate over time and needs all the protection it can get. This is where seal coating comes in handy.

Check out these benefits of asphalt sealing:

It Saves You Time and Money

Seal CoatingIt is possible to save a significant amount of time and money by sealing the asphalt. The seal coat can be reapplied every few years to keep the asphalt protected. Without any protection, the asphalt would have to be replaced due to wear and tear.

Repaving a road or other area is a time-consuming and costly project. It can also be a major hassle. Applying another coat of sealant is far less time-consuming and saves a significant amount of money overall.

Seal Coating Protects Asphalt Against UV

UV radiation constantly bombards asphalt surfaces for several hours each day. This unrelenting light can wear down the asphalt—and when that happens, the surface aggregates start to loosen and break up. Sand may begin to surface in some spots, and the pavement may deteriorate more and more every day. Dirt, grass, and other debris may also get into the cracks in the asphalt and make things messy.

This necessitates extensive repair work, which is why it is better to safeguard the asphalt from the outset with a quality sealant application. Sealants are specially formulated to shield the asphalt surface against the sun’s harsh, damaging radiation. They can hold the surface aggregates together and extend the lifespan of the asphalt.

Seal Coating Protects Asphalt Against Chemicals

A special sealant applied to the asphalt can also protect it from gas spills. Gas spills and asphalt do not go well together because they are both petroleum products.

Gas can dissolve and degrade the asphalt’s structural integrity and affect its longevity. Seal coating will help create a barrier that prevents gas or other petroleum substances from reacting with asphalt and degrading its structure.

Seal Coating Protects Asphalt Against Freezing

A quality sealant also shields the asphalt surface from extreme cold.

With cold weather comes the freeze-thaw cycle, which can take a toll on the asphalt. As a result, the asphalt may deteriorate and crack. Sealing protects the asphalt from freezing temperatures and keeps major cracks away.

Aside from protecting asphalt surfaces from many issues, using a sealant helps asphalt look brand new by concealing surface defects such as rough patches or small cracks.

Final Notes

Seal coating is excellent for high-traffic roads and areas where regular upkeep and maintenance could be a big hassle—saving money and time benefits all parties involved while also leaving asphalt roads and pavements durable and resilient.

It may seem to be a trivial factor to consider until you have to pay for it! When you need to pull your wallet out, the investment you make as a homeowner or business owner in your asphalt parking lot or driveway becomes very important. Learn about your options and how seal coating can help you save a great deal of money!


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed