Large cracks or potholes that are left unfilled for the winter season can wreak havoc on your asphalt pavement and result in costly repairs down the line. For the integrity of your asphalt pavement and your pocketbook, it is important to prepare for the approaching winter season and complete pothole repair work before temperatures begin to drop.

Don’t Forget to Inspect Pothole Repair

Whenever the season changes, inspect your asphalt driveway or parking space for surface problems and potential repair work. Any preventative measures you can take now to keep your pavement in good shape will save you money tomorrow.

Cracks and potholes continue to grow in size, as does the cost of filling them. The contraction and expansion of your asphalt pavement’s sub-base can lead to instability and raise the risk of cracks forming over time. Though cold-mix asphalt can be used as a temporary pothole repair solution for filling potholes and cracks, it cannot endure cold weather like hot-mix asphalt. Be proactive about your pavement repairs—take the time to assess the condition of your asphalt pavement when the weather is warm and hot-mix asphalt paving is still an option.

Pothole Repair, Potholes Freeze, Posing a Safety Hazard

Why Should You Consider Pothole Repair Before Winter Hits?Potholes can form on your asphalt pavement when the stress of heavy vehicle traffic, coupled with the expansion and contraction of water beneath the pavement, causes weak spots to emerge across the asphalt. With continual traffic, these weak spots gradually deteriorate and become potholes.

Aside from the evident deterioration of the asphalt, the problem with potholes is that they can become a safety hazard. Driving over potholes is not good for a vehicle, but potholes become considerably more dangerous when combined with winter weather. Simple preventative maintenance before the cold weather hits can help to keep liability at bay and make your premises safer.

Damage Caused by Snow Removal

Snow must be removed from your parking lot or driveway not only for safety reasons but also to extend the life of your pavement. However, an unmaintained pavement riddled with cracks and potholes can make snow removal a risky task. A snowplow/shovel can easily remove snow by scraping the pavement… as long as the surface is completely smooth and free of any imperfections.

However, if there are potholes, scraping can cause chunks of asphalt to break off and create even larger potholes. Get your pothole repair work completed while the weather is still warm.

Pothole Repair Cleanliness Is Important

One aspect of asphalt maintenance and repair that is often neglected is the cleanliness of the asphalt surface. Keeping up with your pavement cleaning routine is an important part of asphalt surface maintenance. Water jets and specially designed bristled brushes can be used to remove dirt and debris from the asphalt surface, extending the life and improving the appearance of pavements.

Pothole Repair, Weathering the Winter Weather

Remember that even if you follow these tips, your pavement will still suffer some wear and tear over the winter season. However, by taking the required efforts to keep your asphalt driveway or parking space clean and well-kept, you will extend the life of your pavement and your wallet will thank you.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed