Rubber speed bumps boost the safety of motorists, their cars, and pedestrians. They are often known as the ‘sleeping policemen,’ as they warn the drivers to slow down and the pedestrians to watch their steps.

While rubber speed bumps are an essential investment in all areas, they are particularly Ensuring Back To School Safety With Rubber Speed Bumps and 2 more best solutionbeneficial for areas near a school building. It is common for young adults and school-goers to overlook an approaching vehicle and carelessly cross the roads. Therefore, the drivers must pay extra attention while passing by an educational institution.

However, motorists often forget to be vigilant — they drive at high speeds, which is when most accidents happen. Thus, installing rubber speed bumps near the school area is a wise decision, as it compels drivers to slow down, ensuring children and the drivers remain unharmed.

Drivers, here is what you should be careful about!

The National Safety Council lays down a wide range of things drivers should pay particular attention to when young students head back to school. To ensure safety, all drivers must pay attention to:

School buses

If a school bus is ahead of you, maintain enough gap and do not rush while it stops to load or unload children. Stay alert to prevent harming any children. Most importantly, never pass a school bus while it is loading or unloading children, as doing this is illegal.

Drop-off areas

Every school has a specific drop-off procedure, keeping in mind the safety of little children. Know the basic drop-off procedures for the safety of children and slow down around those areas.


If some school child is riding a bike, be even more cautious. Bicycles can be easily camouflaged, giving way to accidents. When you see a bicyclist, proceed slowly and leave a 3-feet gap between you and the cyclist.

Young Pedestrians

Younger adults tend to walk recklessly without paying attention to the traffic. Therefore, you have to be alert and drive slowly when in school zones.

Equipment to enhance safety around school zones with Rubber Speed Bumps

Here are some elements that can be installed in the areas near a school building:

Rubber speed bumps

Driving Hacks: How To Drive Safely Over Asphalt Speed Bumps?Reducing a car’s speed is crucial near school zones, as reduced speed gives the children ample time to get out of the way. Simultaneously, it gives the motorists time to see the children. And rubber speed bumps are a vital road installation to ensure the drivers automatically slow down.

Speed-limit signboards

Drivers often overlook speed bumps. Speed-limit signboards are a must for such drivers — they complement rubber speed bumps. These boards can be seen from a distance, warning drivers to slow down.

Bollard covers with Rubber Speed Bumps

Ensuring Back To School Safety With Rubber Speed Bumps and 2 more best solutionTraffic bollards are crucial elements to guide the traffic and give them a clear sight of road lines, ensuring they do not enter restricted areas. Adding covers to these bollards with messages reminding the motorists they are in a school zone is a great way to keep drivers on alert.

And there you have it! With these three elements, you can ensure every child is safe while commuting and returns home without any physical harm.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed