Asphalt speed bumps are one of the most common traffic calming tools used around the world to keep driving speeds under check and keep accidents at bay. When placed near residential areas or a school zone, asphalt safety bumps ensure safety to pedestrians — in fact, asphalt speed bumps are often placed in areas with high foot traffic.

Asphalt speed bumps are also placed in parking lots and even driveways to limit driving speeds and prevent reckless drivers from bumping into landscaping elements and damaging the property’s curb appeal. They are highly popular because they are durable solutions that do not require frequent attention.

But have you ever wondered how they are built? Here are the steps that go into building efficient asphalt speed bumps.

Step 1: Marking the area for Asphalt Speed Bumps

The most obvious way to start the process of asphalt speed bump installation is by marking the area where the speed bump will be installed. This crucial step should be followed with utmost focus as wrong markings will result in an inefficient, speed bump.

Asphalt Speed Bumps: Guide To A Perfect Installation 4 stepsFor that reason, you need to be specific about the location and dimensions while marking the perimeter of the asphalt speed bump — the standard dimension of speed bumps ranges between 1 and 3 feet wide and 3 and 4 inches high. That said, the ideal dimension for the speed bump will depend on your precise location and requirements.

On top of that, make sure to leave a one-foot gap on either end of the speed bump. This will prevent water from accumulating — which can cause accidents — and allow a smoother water flow. Once you have rightly marked the perimeter, sweep the area and follow the subsequent steps.

Step 2: Sawing

Once you know where your potential speed bump will be placed, create a 2-inch wide notch on the asphalt pavement with an asphalt saw to integrate the speed bump with the surface seamlessly. The notch will help create an edge inset, which prevents plow damage.

Step 3: Build the speed bump

Asphalt Speed Bumps: Guide To A Perfect Installation 4 stepsNow is the time to start building your speed bump. Nonetheless, before laying the first layer of asphalt, apply a layer of tack oil where the speed bump will be installed. This will enhance the bond between the existing asphalt surface and the speed bump and ensure it stays in place despite heavy traffic.

Subsequently, spread the first asphalt layer and firmly tamp it down using a hand tamper. This will create a uniform base for the upcoming speed bump and allow it to settle well. Ensure the first layer is 3-inch high. Once done, layer in more asphalt using a speed bump lute, a rake-like instrument used to form asphalt speed bumps. Follow it by tamping to ensure the speed bump is free from air pockets.

Step 4: Let the speed bump cure

Asphalt Speed Bumps: Guide To A Perfect Installation 4 stepsYou must allow the fresh speed bump to completely dry and cure for enhanced functionality and durability — give it enough time and do not rush. Block all traffic from passing over the speed bump until it is fully dried. New asphalt speed bumps are usually functional after 24 hours.

Once dried, you can paint appropriate stripes on the speed bump to make it noticeable. You can even seal-coat it to prevent sun and water damage. If you opt for seal coating, only do it after 30 days of installation.


After reading the complex steps, you may notice that building asphalt speed bumps is not child’s play. Only professionals with the right equipment and knowledge can create speed bumps that save lives, not endanger them. Therefore, hand-pick a reputable asphalt contractor to get the job done rightly and quickly.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed