When it comes to parking lot maintenance, there are multiple tools invented to ensure safety and prevent chaos — bollards and concrete bumper blocks are the two most common inventions.

Bollards Vs. Concrete Bumper Blocks: Which One Is Ideal For My Parking Lot?Ensuring safety in a less organized parking lot can be tricky — people here are often under the stress of spotting their car among hundreds of others. The moving pedestrians add to the likelihood of accidents, and creating a smooth traffic flow becomes a challenge. Therefore, devices, like concrete bumper blocks and bollards, are essential, as they keep accidents at bay and bring order.

Both concrete bumper blocks — also known as wheel stops — and bollards seem to have the same role. But in reality, they are two different devices playing different roles in parking lots.

What role do concrete bumper blocks play in parking lots?

Bollards Vs. Concrete Bumper Blocks: Which One Is Ideal For My Parking Lot?In simple terms, wheel stops are the barriers placed at the head of each parking space that allows drivers to park their cars accurately without bumping into any landscaping element or other vehicles. Though they primarily stop the vehicles from rolling forward, they have other important roles in parking lots.

Firstly, concrete bumper blocks bring order to unorganized parking lots and prevent vehicles from encroaching into other parking spots. This ensures all cars are parked perfectly, introducing structure in parking lots.

In addition, wheel stops, or parking curbs, also prevent low-speed accidents. By stopping the cars’ wheels from moving further, they are essentially saving drivers from injuring themselves and denting their vehicles.

What roles do bollards play in parking lots?

Bollards Vs. Concrete Bumper Blocks: Which One Is Ideal For My Parking Lot?Though bollards are also installed in spaces other than parking lots, they play an essential role in parking lot safety and traffic flow management. They are vertical barriers that are almost impenetrable and deter cars from moving at high speeds in the parking lots.

By dissuading drivers from speeding, they protect all pedestrians, other vehicles, and property. They keep accidents at bay. When placed strategically, they are highly noticeable and a conspicuous sign for distracted drivers to reduce their speed.

Bollards are even a visual guide for pedestrians, as they separate vehicular areas from areas meant for on-foot travelers. They can even be placed near curb extensions to prevent vehicles from accessing a restricted area.

Factors that determine what you should choose

Take a look at the factors that will help you choose between bollards and concrete bumper blocks. These factors will streamline the decision-making process and allow you to make an informed decision.

  • Parking lot layout and size: A lot depends on your parking lot! The size and layout of your parking lot will help you determine the most suitable option. Therefore, examine if your parking lot is flat and open or multilane. For open-air parking lots built around shopping centers, wheel stops may be a better option, as there are fewer elements that cars can crash into. That said, you can use bollards, along with parking curbs, to offer a safer experience to wayfarers.
  • Valuable assets: The presence of some valuable asset in the parking lot also determines if you should choose wheel stops over bollards or vice-versa. If there are any specific centerpieces or other assets in your parking lot you need to protect, bollards can be the right choice.
  • Kinds of vehicles: From heavy-duty trucks to usual cars, a wide range of vehicles visit parking lots. If larger vehicles, like delivery trucks, come in your parking lot daily, concrete bumper blocks are ideal for you.

Use the power of bollards as well as wheel stops

Though one of the two options may work better for your parking lot, you can enjoy enhanced safety by capitalizing on both bollards and concrete bumper blocks. They complement each other and work together to make your parking lot an accident-free zone.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed