Full-depth asphalt patching is an old-school pavement repair method used to enhance the functionality of asphalt pavements. Though asphalt is durable, it requires occasional repairs and preventative maintenance.

Many property owners opt for seal coating or crack filling to prevent the pavement from environmental hazards, like the UV rays, and repair the cracks. However, certain types of cracks are too deep to be fixed using these surface treatments. Full-depth asphalt patching is an ideal solution for such damages, helping repair the damage and strengthening the foundation.

What is full-depth asphalt patching?

What Should You Know About Full-Depth Asphalt Patching?In general, asphalt patching is the most common repair technique used for potholes, alligator cracks, and other types of pavement damages — like certain clothing items are repaired using a patch, asphalt pavements, too, are mended by asphalt patching. Paving contractors often categorize the patches based on the crack’s depth and intensity. The three broad categories are skin or surface patches, partial-depth patches, and full-depth patches.

As their name implies, surface patches are used for minor cracks that do not extend deeper than an inch or two. Skin patches are just like applying an adhesive bandage over a tiny cut. Surface Asphalt patching is an economical treatment method and does not require the milling of the existing pavement. However, it is a temporary treatment option.

On the other hand, partial-depth patches are used for repairing cracks that go slightly deeper, which cannot be mended with a skin patch. The process of partial-depth Asphalt patching involves the sawing out of the damaged pavement without exposing the base. Subsequently, the professionals install the patch and let it cure.

What Should You Know About Full-Depth Asphalt Patching?However, if the crack is deep and the foundation is compromised, paving contractors recommend a full-depth patch — this Asphalt patching method is lauded for strengthening the foundation and making the pavement stronger, safeguarding it from future damages.

The process of full-depth patching includes the removal of all layers above the base. This helps contractors examine the foundation and inspect its structural integrity. After identifying the problems in the foundation, the experts make the necessary repairs, which also include replacing base materials.

Full-depth patching offers an opportunity to enhance the health of the foundation and the pavement. It is a permanent solution for major pavement damages.

The process of full-depth patching

Full-depth patching starts by marking out a clean rectangle or square larger than the damage. The upper layers are sawed out to expose the base layer and foundation so that What Should You Know About Full-Depth Asphalt Patching?they can be efficiently repaired and strengthened. All major and minor damages on the foundation are repaired using specialized equipment before the reconstruction of the pavement.

Eventually, the new asphalt layers are laid, extending onto the existing surrounding layer. This ensures the repaired crack is not vulnerable to water penetration. The newly restored patch is so strong that it often outlasts the existing pavement.

Full-depth patching: efficient and cost-effective

Without a doubt, full-depth patching is an effective way to treat asphalt pavement and boost its lifespan. But is full-depth patching affordable? Good news: it is a highly cost-effective technique to repair the damaged asphalt foundation.

What Should You Know About Full-Depth Asphalt Patching?Full-depth patching helps fix damages that cannot be repaired efficiently by traditional crack repair techniques. For example, alligator cracks and deep potholes require an intensive process like full-depth patching, as they indicate foundation damage — full-depth repair is the only reasonable solution for such problems.

That said, take an estimate of the entire project — especially if there are several cracks — from a reputable paving contractor to ensure this damage repair technique fits your budget.


When it comes to repairing your asphalt pavement, you need to choose a lasting solution over a cheaper one. Remember, your damaged parking lot or driveway can cause accidents and injure people. Therefore, deal with the issue proactively and choose full-depth patching if the cracks are too deep to be conventionally repaired.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed