What Is Crack Sealing: While most business owners understand the importance of having a great storefront to leave an excellent first impression on their customers, the condition of their parking lots may fall by the wayside, often being forgotten until costly repairs are required. Imagine pulling into a nearby parking lot and finding it to be structurally unstable as well as visually unappealing. How does that make you feel about the business owner’s service?

Your parking lot serves as a welcome mat for your customers, giving them an impression of what they can expect from your business. If you take the time to keep your parking lot in excellent condition, you will be off to a strong start. However, leaving a good first impression on your customers is not the only reason to keep your parking area well-maintained. The risk of injury or vehicle damage to those driving on your parking lot is another reason to take a closer look at your asphalt parking lot.

Do you have cracks in your asphalt parking lot?

Several factors influence the quality and, consequently, the longevity of asphalt. Experts estimate that around 70 billion pounds of asphalt are used in the United States each year, and the longevity of asphalt varies depending on factors including:

  • The composition of the asphalt and the source of the crude oil
  • The aggregate type and quantity used
  • Moisture
  • Method of construction
  • Temperature
  • Traffic activity

The entry of moisture into the asphalt’s substructure is one of the biggest problems caused by unrepaired cracks in asphalt. When the surface of an asphalt parking lot forms cracks, water can enter and cause more significant damage — such as potholes — as the substructure deteriorates.

Crack sealing is the solution

What Is Crack Sealing and 3 reason it is Important For Your BusinessCracks in asphalt should ideally be sealed as soon as possible to prevent them from growing in size and causing further damage to the surface. As a general rule, cracks larger than an inch wide will necessitate more extensive and expensive repairs down the line; therefore, we recommend doing regular checks of your parking area as a preventative measure.

Once the surface of the asphalt forms cracks, water can enter the substructure and gradually erode the asphalt, causing wider cracks that will ultimately lead to potholes. Crack sealants are made of a rubberized compound that keeps water from entering the asphalt substructure and prevents cracks and potholes.

Is crack sealing the same as crack filling?

There is a distinction between crack sealing and crack filling, although some people use the terms interchangeably.

What Is Crack Sealing and 3 reason it is Important For Your BusinessCrack filling is used to fill “working cracks,” or cracks that expand more than 2.5 millimeters. It is used to reinforce the pavement while also preventing water penetration, which would otherwise cause the pavement to expand and cause more damage.

Cracks that exhibit very little (if any) movement, on the other hand, are best fixed using crack sealing. Sealing the top of the cracks with a unique rubberized substance — rather than filling the cracks from within — makes the pavement less permeable by preventing water, dirt, and debris from entering the substructure and causing severe erosion. Because crack sealants are made of a rubberized compound, they flex and bend with the pavement’s movement.

Hire a professional for crack sealing.

What Is Crack Sealing and 3 reason it is Important For Your Business

While some property owners may try their hands at crack sealing to keep costs down, it is always recommended to hire a professional asphalt contractor for the job. Professionals understand the composition of asphalt and have the necessary experience, expertise, and tools for the job. You already have a lot on your plate — why not hire a professional asphalt contractor near you to save time and effort while ensuring proper crack sealing?

Final Notes

When it comes to asphalt crack sealing, the bottom line is that it can extend the life of your parking area for years and thus save you time and money.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678



Opening Hours

Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed