If you are finishing a commercial construction project or upgrading your parking lot, you must consider installing concrete bumper blocks. Concrete bumper blocks (also called parking bumpers, parking stops, and parking blocks) are commonly used to keep vehicles from backing up too far into a parking spot.

Your parking lot provides clients, guests, and tenants with their first impression of your commercial property. While it is critical to keep the parking lot clean and clear of debris, one of the most significant improvements you can make to your parking lot is the addition of concrete bumper blocks.

Here are 4 primary reasons why so many commercial property owners installing concrete bumper blocks throughout their parking lots

1. They improve the safety of your parking lot

Benefits of installing concrete Bumper BlocksInstalling Concrete bumper blocks in your parking lot adds to the safety of your commercial property. Concrete bumper blocks help keep parking lots ordered and prevent vehicles from pulling too far into a parking space, lowering the risk of parking vehicles injuring pedestrians walking through the lot. Concrete bumper blocks also help deter property damage to your property by alerting drivers that it is time to slow down.

Your parking lot should be a slow-moving area conducive to harmony between drivers and pedestrians — you can easily achieve this harmony by installing concrete bumper blocks.

2. They are visually versatile

installing concrete Bumper Blocks in parking lot

While installing a simple concrete bumper block on your parking lot is always a great option, it may not always be the best option to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your commercial property.

You want your bumper blocks to stick out to anyone driving in the lot. Thankfully, bumper blocks can be made in a vast variety of colors — ranging from solid to bright colors coupled with reflective stripes to stand out against the dark pavement.

3. They are easy to install

The weight of concrete bumper blocks varies. However, when you work with an experienced concrete contractor, bumper blocks can be installed quickly and without causing any damage to your property. They will work with any bumper block design you want for your property while ensuring that your parking lot is a safer environment for drivers and pedestrians.

4. They are incredibly durable

Needs of installing concrete Bumper BlocksOne of the primary benefits of installing concrete bumper blocks is that they are incredibly durable solutions for increasing a parking lot’s safety. Concrete bumper blocks are visually noticeable to drivers and encourage them to take their time entering parking spaces so they can avoid damaging the frame and undercarriage of their vehicles.

However, even if an accident does occur, concrete bumper blocks can physically absorb the blow and protect your commercial property from extensive damage.

It is worth mentioning that when it comes to installing concrete bumper blocks, quality should always take precedence. Here are three reasons why:

  • Withstand abuse: You can expect your parking spaces to face everyday abuse from vehicles entering and exiting the lot. Parking vehicles often crash with concrete bumper
  • blocks, making it critical to have a high-quality composition and manufacturing.
  • Withstand adverse weather: Concrete bumper blocks must not only be constructed to withstand vehicle abuse but also to withstand extreme variations in weather and temperature. A high-quality concrete mix will withstand warping and deterioration caused by moisture. Additionally, it will withstand variations in temperature without becoming brittle or forming cracks.
  • Create a professional appearance: Every business relies on first impressions. A client or tenant entering a parking lot with deteriorating concrete bumper blocks would not have the same professional impression as a customer who drives into a well-defined parking space with a sturdy concrete bumper block.

If you are ready to installing concrete bumper blocks in your parking lot, be sure to hire an experienced and licensed concrete contractor near you.


Commonwealth Paving, 136 Outerloop, Louisville, Kentucky 40214
Phone: 502-459-7283, Fax: 502-456-2678

Opening Hours

Monday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed